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Archive for the Webinars Category

Deal Renewal Video PodcastEvery company will face an outsourcing deal renewal at some point. In this 10 minute video, we explain why outsourcing deal renewals are complex and give you some practical steps you can take to improve your outsourcing effectiveness and help navigate your deal renewal process.Hybrid SOC Video PodcastIn this 10 minute video, we explain why solid execution is the most important success factor of an IT Security program and share how a Hybrid SOC can improve security execution while lowering costs.Shaping the Next Normal – Companies Coping After Covid

In this webinar, you can explore some structural changes affecting IT organizations, and how you can shape your future IT costs and capabilities to address this new reality.

Building NextGen IT Talent

Talent typically consumes 45-60% of an IT cost structure, so if you aren’t optimizing your IT talent, you can’t optimize your costs.

How to Grow Through The New Normal ?

The New Normal is here! IT leaders are back to the drawing board re-evaluating the Capability vs Cost matrix once again. Will the old glasses help you see the new solutions?

Generating Value With Robotic Process Automation

Enable RPA success with better strategy, better execution, and better governance.

RPA as Strategic Talent Management

Watch this webinar to gain insights on the correlation between Strategic Talent Management approaches and the factors that define the success and sustainability of RPA, scaling up to your advantage. 00

Creating Resiliency in Uncertain Times

By “resiliency” we aren’t talking about things like disaster recovery. Rather, we are talking about the ability of an IT organization, or a company, to withstand a shock, survive it, and emerge with key capabilities intact.

IT Strategy: What’s the Best Fit?

Is your IT roadmap supported with the right capabilities to deliver on cost & outcome milestones?

Digital initiatives aren’t “one-and-done” projects. To go digital at a pace which is at par with the evolving marketplace IT strategy needs to balance in-house talent with strong external partners to ensure that they have the resources to deliver according to business needs. Best Fit partners facilitate co-creation and are involved from the get-go. They adapt to evolving requirements along with adherence to agreed-upon architecture-design principles.. With the supplier market being extremely fragmented, partners need to be transparent, collaborative and trusted. To know how we help our clients achieve the best fit, watch Eric Gordon, President, Versitae & Sapan Choksi, CEO, Systems Plus deliberate on the subject.

Hybrid SOC : The Managed GIC Way

Managing your business’s security footprint is imperative today. A Hybrid SOC under the Managed GIC model helps in setting up a robust foundation with seamless integration and continuous optimization of processes. Right from security tool configuration to agent management and provisioning to monitoring processes as per changing technologies, this model gives you an end-to-end solution along with a 50 percent cost saving. Listen in to Eric Gordon, President, Versitae and Sapan Choksi, CEO, Systems+ talk about the nuts and bolts of this arrangement.

IT Cost Structures: Redefined

Boosting EBITDA on your mind? Explore a proven framework for strategic IT Talent Management, based on a cost v/s capability evaluation across diverse companies. Our detailed study of IT cost structures revealed that IT talent costs are consuming on an average 53% of the IT budget! Which only means that there is a huge opportunity gap, both in managing IT talent and costs thereof! For more such observations and unique approaches for optimising the cost of IT talent in your organisation, have a look at our recent webinar hosted by Sapan Choksi, CEO, Systems Plus & Eric Gordon, President, Versitae.